What Is a Necrology or a Necrology Service? | Cake Blog (2024)

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When someone dies, it’s customary for a local publication to print an obituary describing their life and providing information about funeral services.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • What Is the Meaning of Necrology?
  • What Is a Necrology Service?
  • Why Do Necrologies Exist?
  • What Is the Study of Necrology?
  • How to Find a Necrology

Much like an obituary section of a local newspaper, a necrology is a list of deaths. But there are a few technical differences. Read on to explore the semantics of the term and its origins.

What Is the Meaning of Necrology?

Sometimes “necrology” and “obituary” are interchangeable, but not always. This guide will primarily focus on the ways necrologies differ from standard obituaries, and how they serve unique purposes in various circ*mstances.


Necrology actually has two common definitions. Sometimes, it’s nothing more than a synonym for an obituary. That said, it’s rare these days for people to use the term in this capacity, as obituary is a word most of us are much more familiar with.

The second definition of necrology isn’t far off from the first, but it has a key difference. Obituaries tend to tailor to a local region. A necrology, on the other hand, will usually list recently deceased people who shared membership in a particular organization, field, or another type of group. For example, in the past, it wasn’t uncommon for universities like Harvard to publish regular necrologies of alumni.

Necrology in a sentence

The following examples will help you better understand the meaning of necrology:

  • “The historian consulted an 1850 Harvard University Necrology necrology to determine the true year of the professor’s passing.”
  • “We’re sorry for your loss. We appreciate the contributions your loved one made to our organization, and request permission to include their name when we publish our annual necrology later this year.”
  • “A Catholic Church necrology from the period indicates a relatively high rate of deaths among members, perhaps as a result of exposure to illnesses in regions where they were doing missionary work at the time.”
  • “To learn more about the death of an ancestor, you can consult a necrology of an organization to which they belonged, if such a necrology exists.”


We derive the word necrology from the Latin term “necrologium.” The meaning of both terms is essentially the same, but as is often the case, the spelling and pronunciation changed over time.

What Is a Necrology Service?

A necrology service (also known as a necrological service) is a form of a memorial service that differs from traditional funeral and memorial services in several key ways.

A typical funeral or memorial will focus on the emotions of the mourners. In many instances, it will also involve some form of religious ritual or emphasis. Additionally, although it’s possible to host a funeral for two people if they died together and were very close in life, in the vast majority of cases, the focus of a funeral or memorial will be a single individual.

A necrology service is different in the following key ways:

  • Emphasis: A necrology service can involve a degree of emphasis on religion depending on the context in which it occurs. However, instead of highlighting emotions and memories, a necrology service may be a more formal occasion that involves sharing basic facts regarding a person’s life and death.
  • Purpose: The general purpose of a funeral is to respectfully put someone to rest and help surviving loved ones move on. The purpose of a necrology service may have more to do with recordkeeping and sharing information.
  • Number of individuals: A single individual can also be the focus of a necrology service. That said, there are often exceptions. For example, it’s not uncommon for some fraternal societies and similar organizations to hold annual necrology services. During these services, they may announce the deaths of members who passed away since the last service. They might also use this opportunity to discuss their contributions to the organization.

For example, if you were a member of an international organization with thousands of members, you probably wouldn’t know the names of all members. Still, you might want to know when other members have passed on. You could thus attend an annual necrology service to learn this information. You’d also know that when you die, members of the organization will cite your contributions during their annual necrology service.

Why Do Necrologies Exist?

Necrologies can serve many different purposes, from the mundane and practical to the personal. The following are some of the more noteworthy.

Preserving information

The vast majority of people will never be famous enough for anyone to write popular biographies of them. After they die, and after all those who knew them pass away, it’s possible for history to forget their names, as if they never existed.

A necrology guards against this. It makes sure there is at least some record of a person’s life. While you could argue that a birth certificate and similar documentation also serve this purpose, you could also argue that preserving information about a person’s death is just as important as preserving information about a person’s life.

Sharing news

Again, necrologies usually relate to specific organizations or groups. A member of a particular group might want to follow the lives of other members they’ve lost touch with.

A necrology also helps in this way. It ensures members of groups can learn when other members have passed away and have some closure. They might want this information so they can reach out to the loved ones of a particular member to offer their condolences, or they might simply be curious to know who among the group is still alive.

Providing funeral information

While the traditional meaning of the word necrology pertains to a list of recently deceased people who belonged to a specific group, it’s technically acceptable to use the term to refer to any list of recently deceased people in a given area, similar to the obituary section of a newspaper.

That means a necrology could help people learn about where and when a funeral service will be. This is helpful simply because there are instances when loved ones might not know to contact a specific person to share this information with them.

For example, maybe someone lives near an old classmate. Even if they stopped actively communicating with each other later in life, they might still value the friendship to some degree, but their families might not know much about the relationship, and therefore wouldn’t know to alert that friend when their loved one dies. A necrology can offer this information to such old friends in these instances.

A reminder of mortality

Necrologies don’t serve the same purpose for all people. For instance, although people of all ages may struggle to confront their own mortality, overcoming this struggle is often particularly important for the elderly, who know they may be nearing the ends of their lives.

A necrology can help old folks manage these feelings. When faced with a list of deceased of a similar age, our elders may reckon with the idea of their name appearing in the obituary section. Some may find this makes accepting the inevitability of death somewhat easier.

Historical records

Many researchers also turn to necrologies. A researcher might want to know more about the people who died in a given area during a turbulent time in history, they may be researching death trends, or they might want to confirm information about when and where a particular historical figure died.

Necrologies can ensure they have a legitimate resource to use for these purposes.

What Is the Study of Necrology?

This overview has thus far covered necrologies that serve as lists letting members of an organization or special group know when previous members have passed away. However, necrology can also refer to a field of study.

Necrology is essentially the study of death. It may include studying such topics as the physical stages of death, mortality statistics, and the way tissues in the body change after someone has died, among others.

This usage of the word necrology is less common than the usage primarily covered here. It’s most common in the medical field.

However, there are instances when the work of this type of necrologist overlaps with the type of necrology this blog post has covered. For example, a necrologist may be conducting research pertaining to death and mortality trends in a certain region during a particular time in history. If so, they might consult relevant necrologies to learn more about who died during that time and in that place.

Perhaps a necrology from a religious organization indicates members of certain religious groups perhaps died relatively often during a certain period when they were actively working to help people suffering from communicable illnesses. This could indicate to a necrologist that exposure to those illnesses contributed to a rise in deaths among members of a religious organization or sect.

That’s just one example. The main point to understand is that, while the study of necrology in this context means something different than what this blog post focuses on most, a necrology that’s a list of death announcements can nevertheless be very helpful to a necrologist in some circ*mstances. Specifically, it can be helpful when a necrologist is studying historical mortality trends.

How to Find a Necrology

Like searching for an obituary, the way you search for a necrology will depend on a range of factors, including what type of necrology you’re seeking and why you want to find it.

These are a few of the ways you might go about the process.

Check the paper

If you only think of a necrology as a list of the recently deceased in a given area, and not necessarily of those who belonged to a particular organization or group, finding a necrology is usually as simple as finding a local publication with an obituary section and flipping to it.

There are several reasons some people check this section of their local papers regularly. Sometimes elderly people check the obituaries to see if they know any of the deceased. Historically, during times when death was prevalent in a given region or country, such as famines, some people checked necrologies to learn who had succumbed to the troubles plaguing them.

Search online

You may be surprised to find how many organizations publish their necrologies on the internet.

If you’re looking for a necrology from a specific organization, Google it first to see what comes up.

Contact the organization

Don’t worry if your Google search doesn’t yield any results. The organization you’re researching may publish a necrology in another format, such as a physical publication or an email newsletter.

Visit their website to see if it offers any information on this topic. If it doesn’t, you can still reach out to the organization directly to ask if they publish necrologies, and where you can find them if they do.

Use Google for historical research

You might be interested in finding a necrology from the past. Maybe you’re conducting research for a school or work project, or maybe you simply want to confirm information about an ancestor’s passing.

This is another instance in which Google can help. Both Google Books and Google Scholar make finding archived necrologies from various organizations—universities, churches, clubs—fairly easy.

There’s of course no guarantee you’ll find what you’re looking for through Google. However, you could also contact local public or university libraries to ask if they have any necrology archives.

Depending on the circ*mstances, you might even be able to contact the relevant organization or community department to ask if they archive their necrologies.

If you're still searching for an obituary and happen to be in Canada, read our guide on how to find a Canadian obituary.

Necrology: Preserving Essential Information

Keep in mind that sometimes, a necrology just means an individual obituary. If you’re concerned about writing an obituary, or who’s going to write your obituary, check out our resources on the topics. And if you're hosting avirtual funeralor memorial service, some platforms likeGatheringUshave specialists who can guide and support you through the planning process.

In general, however, a necrology serves to preserve information about not just one life, but many lives, reminding us we all pass away eventually. But just because we all pass doesn’t mean the world will forget we were ever here.

  1. Barnes, J.A. “The gentle art of necrology.” The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, Berghahn Books, 1987, jstor.org
  2. “necrology.” Merriam-Webster, merriam-webster.com
  3. Palmer, Joseph. “Necrology of Alumni of Harvard College, 1851-52 to 1862-63.” John Wilson and Son, 1864, Google Books.
What Is a Necrology or a Necrology Service? | Cake Blog (2024)


What is a necrology service? ›

A necrology service is a type of service that memorializes the lives of multiple people or animals. The definition of necrology is a list of deaths or an obituary. Churches sometimes hold necrology services for pets of their members as part of a "blessing of the animals" service.

What is a service of remembrance? ›

1) A Service of Remembrance provides an opportunity to come together with family and friends to honor a life well-lived. 2) It's time to share your memories of the wonderful times you had with your loved one. 3) Everybody grieves the loss of someone they love.

What is the difference between a graveside service and a memorial service? ›

A graveside service is a type of memorial service that takes place beside or near a burial plot. It's an alternative to a funeral and can take place for any age group, including babies and children. A graveside service usually involves family members and friends who want to honor the life of their loved one.

What do you say in a necrological service? ›

Speak from the heart and with kindness:
  • "(The deceased) will be greatly missed. I'm sorry for your loss."
  • "Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss."
  • "(The deceased) was a great person, and I'll miss them very much."
  • "(He/she) meant a lot to me and everyone else at (the work place.)

What are the steps of a necrological service? ›

  • Choose a location for the funeral service. ...
  • Find and schedule a clergy member or officiant. ...
  • Select a casket. ...
  • Select a burial container and/or vault. ...
  • Select accessories. ...
  • Choose final touches. ...
  • Select a cremation container. ...
  • Arrange a cemetery plot.

How do you end a necrological service? ›

If you're unsure how to end your eulogy, finish with a simple goodbye, or a thank you for the memories you shared. You might choose to use traditional phrases like 'rest in peace' or 'sleep well'. Or you can use something less formal, like a greeting or joke you used to share with the person who has died.

What needs to be included in a remembrance service? ›

Your Act of Remembrance
  • The Exhortation is recited:
  • The Last Post is sounded. (A Piper Lament may be included in Scotland.)
  • The Two Minute Silence is observed.
  • Reveille is sounded.
  • The Kohima Epitaph is recited (optional):
  • Useful resources for your Act of Remembrance:

Does a memorial service mean cremation? ›

A memorial service typically takes place after cremation. It offers several freedoms that a traditional funeral does not offer. One example of this is the ability to plan the memorial service later on, whether you want to wait for warmer months, or you have family and friends who must make travel arrangements.

What words are said at remembrance service? ›

The following prayer is said: Ever-living God we remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence; may that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

What is it called when a pastor speaks at a graveside service? ›

Eulogy. A form of public speaking at funerals or memorials used to honor and pay respect to the deceased. Eulogist. A person who gives a eulogy at a funeral or memorial service. Family Car.

Is the body present at a memorial service? ›

The biggest difference of a traditional funeral and a memorial service is that the body is not present in a casket at a memorial service. However, an urn with the loved one's ashes may be present at a memorial service.

Why do people have memorial services instead of funerals? ›

- We find the most common reason people choose a memorial service is that they want the extra time to plan a ceremony. Since a memorial service can take place after the body has been buried or cremation, there is no rush to organize a ceremony.

What is the best opening line for a eulogy? ›

You could start with something simple like: “My name is __________ , the wife/husband/son/daughter/friend of ___________.” Another idea is to explain how you knew the deceased, or how you first met. However, you should take care to avoid focusing the eulogy on you.

What is a short quote for remembrance? ›

In remembrance of a life well-loved.” “Your memory warms our hearts.” “In loving memory of a kind soul.” “Your legacy of love shines bright.”

What should you not say in a eulogy? ›

9 Things to Avoid When Writing a Eulogy
  • Listing Embarrassing Details. ...
  • Sharing Private & Confidential Matters. ...
  • Listing Specific Details About the Death. ...
  • Sharing Past Grudges & Resentment. ...
  • Talking About Yourself Too Much. ...
  • Putting Words into the Deceased Mouth. ...
  • Not Being Personal Enough. ...
  • Rambling & Going Off-Topic.
Nov 8, 2023

What is the difference between an obituary and a necrology? ›

In local newspapers, an obituary may be published for any local resident upon death. A necrology is a register or list of records of the deaths of people related to a particular organization, group or field, which may only contain the sparsest details, or small obituaries.

What is the difference between a funeral service and a committal service? ›

The committal service works much like a funeral service since oftentimes loved ones, friends, or a clergyperson will speak on the life of the deceased. The main difference, of course, being that the body is in an urn instead of a casket.

What is the study of necrology? ›

n. the study of the phenomena of death, involving determination of the moment of death and the different changes that occur in the tissues of the body after death. From: necrology in Concise Medical Dictionary »

What is a necrology report? ›

a list of people who have died within a certain period, as that in a newspaper. 2. a death notice; obituary.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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