chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (2024)

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (1) Recipe: chanterelle mushroom hand pies

Autumn is the fleetingest of fleeting seasons in the mountains, or so it seems. Sunday felt like real winter as we hiked snowy trails, falling snowflakes caught up in our hair and settling on our hats, gloves, and the tops of our packs. Our last trail run left my calves sore from all the slipping and sliding on ice. Not quite enough snow to ski, but enough to warrant wearing traction devices for running. Shoulder season puts me in a mindset for winter. I can’t wait!

high winds sculpt beautiful clouds

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (2)

snowy stream crossings

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (3)

Cold is relative. Two months ago, 40°F felt chilly to me. Now, it feels warm as we enjoy temperatures dipping below freezing. I know in a few months, 40°F will be a veritable heat wave. Jeremy is a little more sensitive to the cold than I am. It’s probably because I have plenty of personal warmth (read: body fat) and he doesn’t. His hands and feet are always cold. He turns on his seat heater in both cars starting in September all the way through June. I saw a box of hand warmers for sale at Costco last week – 40 pair for something like $15. Then I had a mental image of taping an entire suit of hand warmers to Jeremy’s body and chuckled to myself. Moving on to the refrigerated produce section, I got the vegetables I needed and proceeded to leave – until I spotted something magical. It was nearly the equivalent joy of finding a porcini in the mountains – except this was a whole pound of fresh chanterelle mushrooms for $9. I grabbed one. I didn’t know what I was going to do with it, but I knew I was going to do something.

let’s make hand pies!

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (4)

chanterelles, puff pastry, gruyère, egg, garlic, butter, salt, bacon, thyme, wine, cream, pepper

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (5)

brush the mushrooms clean

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (6)

While I absolutely love hunting for porcini and feeling its sturdiness as I coax it out of the ground or its substantial weight in my hand, I must admit that chanterelles have won my tastebuds over. They’re not as delicate as the porcini in flavor, so I am more comfortable mixing chanties up with other ingredients.

make the mushroom filling

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (7)

sauté the chanterelles in butter

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (8)

add the garlic

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (9)

cook the wine until it’s gone

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (10)

Hand pies. Yes. I have a minor obsession with hand pies. Sweet hand pies are great, but savory hand pies are like the ultimate in awesome portable small food. It’s a self-contained meal in your hand that travels well and is easy – nay, a joy – to devour. You can make these small for appetizers or larger (like mine) for a meal. And don’t feel like you have to use puff pastry dough either! Pie crust, pizza dough, or phyllo dough are perfectly acceptable too.

stir in cream

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (11)

and thyme

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (12)

reduce to a thick sauce

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (13)

You will want to reduce the cream in the sauce to a fairly thick consistency. When it cools, it will thicken further. This is good otherwise you’ll be dealing with an oozy mess when you try to stuff the dough with the mushroom filling. If you find the sauce is too runny, just let it simmer longer OR refrigerate it and the cream will solidify. It makes for easier assembly and less cussing.

the fillings: gruyère cheese, bacon, chanterelle mushroom filling

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (14)

everything is prepped and ready

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (15)

make the egg wash: whisk egg yolk and cream

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (16)

cut the pastry dough

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (17)

Because I had a pound of chanterelles, I figured a pound of puff pastry dough would be enough. But I only used half of my filling, so the recipe below is based on one pound of pastry dough and a half pound of mushrooms. As for the shape, I chose triangles for the aesthetics, but I’ll tell you that squares are probably the best because you don’t have these small angles to shove filling into (after folding the dough over and pinching the edges together, I gently mushed the filling into the corners). Circles are great too, except it’s hard to reuse the trimmings of puff pastry dough and I would rather not waste any of it.

filling and cheese

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (18)

and don’t forget a sprinkle of bacon

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (19)

crimp the edges

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (20)

Although the pastries did open a few seams during baking, they didn’t leak or disembowel the way fruit hand pies do. I think that’s because the filling is already cooked and there isn’t nearly as much liquid to generate steam – and thus blow up your pastry – as there is in fresh blueberries. Oh, the bacon is purely optional. If you want to make this vegetarian, just omit the bacon… but realize that someone somewhere will be crying real tears over that decision.

brush with egg wash

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (21)

slice vents in the tops

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (22)

ready to bake

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (23)

golden perfection

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (24)

I like to bake my hand pies to a deep golden color which results in a little browning at the edges. It’s mostly because I want the puff pastry to bake all the way through. Underbaked puff pastry is like a dough that never realizes its true potential. The result is a flaky pastry cradling a rich creamy filling with luscious bites of chanterelle punctuated with bacon, Gruyère, and hints of wine and thyme. But these are no snacks… a single hand pie, a glass of wine, and perhaps a bowl of soup or a salad round out a wonderfully satisfying meal. They’re like hand warmers, but they also warm your belly.

a stack of delightfulness

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (25)

what’s not to enjoy?

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (26)

flaky pastry heaven

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (27)

Chanterelle Mushroom Hand Pies
[print recipe]

2 tbsps butter, unsalted
1/2 lb. fresh chanterelle mushrooms (or other mushroom, but chanties are the best), brushed clean and sliced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/3 cup white wine
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tsp thyme, chopped
salt to taste
black pepper, freshly ground to taste
2 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
2 oz. Gruyère cheese, shredded
1 lb. puff pastry dough

egg wash
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup heavy cream

Make the chanterelle filling: Melt the butter in a sauté pan over high heat. Add the mushrooms and sauté until cooked. Toss the garlic into the pan and sauté until the garlic becomes fragrant. Pour in the white wine and let the wine come to a boil. Let it boil until the liquid is gone. Stir the cream and thyme into the pan and reduce the heat to medium. Simmer the sauce until the cream thickens to the consistency of a thick gravy. Remove from heat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Let the mushroom filling cool – it makes it much easier to handle.

Assemble the hand pies: Preheat the oven to 425°F. Mise en place the mushroom filling, bacon crumbles, and Gruyère cheese. Roll the pastry dough out on a lightly floured surface to a 12×12-inch square. Cut the dough into 8 equal-size pieces (triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, whatever you like). Place a spoonful of mushroom filling on one half of a piece of pastry dough, leaving about 1/2-inch margin to the edge of the dough. Sprinkle some bacon and cheese on top. Fold the other half of the dough over the filling, matching up the edges. Pinch the edges closed and crimp with a fork. Place the hand pie on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Repeat with the rest of the pastry dough. Whisk the egg and cream together until mixed. Brush each pastry with egg wash and use a sharp knife to slice three vents in the tops of each hand pie. Bake for 20 minutes or until the dough is golden and baked through. Remove from oven and set the pastries on a cooling rack. Serve warm. Makes 8 hand-size mushroom hand pies.

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (28)

more goodness from the use real butter archives

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chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (33)

October 20th, 2013: 11:09 pm
filed under appetizers, baking, cheese, dairy, eggs, entertaining, lunch, pastries, recipes, savory, vegetables, wine

chanterelle mushroom hand pies recipe – use real butter (2024)


How do you tell the difference between a false chanterelle and a real chanterelle? ›

Gills: Unlike Chanterelles, False Chanterelles have true gills that are attached to the stem. The gills of False Chanterelles are widely spaced and somewhat decurrent, meaning they extend down the stem. They can be more easily broken with the rub of a finger.

How long do chanterelles last once picked? ›

Freshly picked, unwashed chanterelles can keep for up to 10 days in the fridge. If you buy them packaged and there's a use-by date, let that be your guide. If buying them loose at a market or grocery store, the people working there should be able to tell you how fresh they are.

Do chanterelles have poisonous look alikes? ›

Jack O'Lantern mushrooms also known as foxfire mushrooms or Omphalotus species, are a poisonous mushroom commonly confused with edible chanterelles.

How do you identify smooth chanterelle? ›

Cap convex, becoming flat to funnel shaped, sunken in center, sometimes flowerlike; orange to orange-yellow; texture smooth. Underside orange to yellow, smooth or slightly ridged; does not have true gills. Stalk can be curved or off-center; orange to yellowish to whitish; texture smooth; flesh is white.

What happens if you eat a False Chanterelle? ›

The false chanterelle is considered poisonous, and may cause serious digestive problems. Among other toxins, it contains high levels of the sugar alcohol arabitol. The mushroom was sometimes described as edible (though not tasty) until 1999. Fries described it as venenatus, meaning "poisonous", in 1821.

Why is chanterelle so expensive? ›

The main reason for chanterelles' $224-per-pound price is that they're infamously difficult to cultivate. They mostly grow in the wild, meaning they must be foraged, and they require a period of heavy rainfall in a coniferous forest, followed by several days of continuous heat and high humidity.

What month is best for chanterelles? ›

The ideal season for foraging chanterelles is from late spring to early autumn, depending on the region's climate. They flourish best after rainfall when the ground is moist and the temperatures are mild. While searching for chanterelles, it's essential to be cautious and ensure that you're picking the right mushroom.

How much are fresh chanterelles worth? ›

Plus, the growing season only lasts from late spring until early autumn. It's a tight market. On average, chanterelles run for about $224 per pound. For reference, a pound of organic portobello mushrooms from a Whole Foods Market in Brooklyn, N.Y., costs $5.99 per pound.

Can you eat too many chanterelles? ›

If you're specifically worried about the *quantity* that you eat: Particularly with chanterelles, they contain a toxin called gyromitrin when raw. Consuming large amounts of raw chanterelles can lead to vomiting and headaches. However, cooking these mushrooms destroys the toxin, so they're safe when cooked.

Can chanterelles make you sick? ›

Some people do eat chanterelles raw, but we never recommend it. All wild mushrooms should be cooked to prevent gastrointestinal distress. Raw chanterelles might make you very ill.

What does a false chanterelle look like? ›

False Chanterelles are more orange than yellow and a deeper shade of orange at the cap (top). When cut open, False Chanterelles also are NOT pure white inside and often instead orange-ish with a slightly hollow stem.

Will false chanterelles make you sick? ›

By the way, if you do mistake a False Chanterelle for a true one, the worst that will happen is stomach upset. It is not deadly. The one you don't want to mistake for the Chanterelle is the Jack-O'-Lantern (Omphalotus illudens) in eastern North America. This one is poisonous, and can make you quite sick.

What is the name of the false chanterelle? ›

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire - False Chanterelle. Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, a gilled boletoid fungus, can easily be mistaken for the highly prized edible Chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius, and although some consider it safe (but bitter tasting) to eat some concerns still remain about it.

Do chanterelles grow in the same place every year? ›

The chanterelle's aroma is variously described as apricot- or peachlike. It is unmistakably different and identifiable. Chanterelles will reappear in the same places year after year if carefully harvested so as not to disturb the ground in which the mycelium (the vegetative part of the mushroom) grows.

What is the difference between golden chanterelle and rainbow chanterelle? ›

How do you know that you're in possession of Rainbow Chanterelles, rather than another gold-toned chanterelle? According to the literature, Rainbows are distinguished by bright orange veins or false gills. Their caps are a duller color than the Pacific Goldens and often exhibit a pinkish bloom near the edge.

Can you mistake chanterelles? ›

Unlike some edible mushrooms, the chanterelle can be a bit tricky to identify. Unfortunately, they are a few non-edible mushrooms that are commonly mistaken for chanterelles. These include the jack o'lanterns and the false chanterelle. Although neither of these mushrooms are fatal, neither are good for eating.

What is a False Chanterelle look alike? ›

The only lookalike is the jack o lantern. But when you study how the gills run down the stem of the chanterelle and how they are not growing in large clusters like jacks, you'll start to see the differences. Smell can also help.

Do chanterelles come back in the same spot? ›

Jack-O-Lanterns (Toxic, Do Not Consume!) Once you find true chanterelles, you're in luck. They will grow in the same place year after year if carefully harvested. When harvesting, it's important not to disturb the ground in which the mycelium (the vegetative part of the mushroom) grows.

What is the difference between true gills and false gills of chanterelles? ›

The “true gills” of other mushrooms can usually be plucked individually and resemble individual blades. In contrast, “false gills” cannot be individually plucked and do not move as freely—they are more like ridges than the true gills found in most other mushrooms.

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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.