A C&P exam (C and P), also known as a Compensation and Pension exam, is without a doubt the most important piece of a veteran’s disability claim. This exam determines how the VA will rate your disability. Rating your disability can be defined as follows: Is your disability truly “service-connected” to your active duty enlistment, and if so, how severe is it?

C&P exams are sometimes done in different ways.

The most common “exams” are held in a doctor’s office that you physically report to. But it is possible that you will be scheduled for a phone conversation, or even a video conference. The severity of your disability determines how much disability compensation you will receive. Some compensation examples include monthly payments, free health care, and enrollment in several VA health care programs. Examples of service-related disabilities include tinnitus (ringing in the ears), PTSD, (both combat and non-combat), back pain and spinal arthritis. More examples include musculoskeletal issues, depression, anxiety, and knee/foot injuries.


How to schedule your exam.

After the VA has received your claim, you will be contacted by a contracted scheduling company for the VA. Keep in mind, these companies are only scheduling you for your exam. So stay on task, and answer their questions courteously. Examples of these “scheduling contractors” include the companies LHI and VES. They will ask you some generalized questions about your availability, current address, verify your phone number, and e-mail information.

Keep in mind that the more availability you give them, generally the faster you will get scheduled. It may feel like it is causing you pain and anxiety to tell them to give you the first available appointment. But don’t forget, this one day you take off work, miss your cousin’s birthday party, etc. could quite possibly be the most important day of your life. So take the scheduling very seriously. They will also tell you that they’re sending out a FedEx package with important information. This info could include a computerized map from your house to the doctor’s office, travel information, and doctor’s name.

Once your exam is scheduled, the only thing to concentrate on is “preparing for your exam”. And if you want some great strategizing advice from people that have been through many exams, sign up for Combat Craig’s BOOT CAMP. Jump on board and hit the ground running with a team that’s already “been there and done that”.


What to expect at your C&P exam

A Compensation and Pension exam will not be like any other “exam” you have ever had before. The doctor will not be treating you, making referrals to other healthcare providers, or writing you any prescriptions. The ONLY purpose of this exam is to review the medical evidence that you have submitted. The evidence helps the VA make a decision on your claim. Each exam is different, depending on the diagnosis for which the claim has been submitted.

During this exam, the doctor might review the chart notes that you have submitted, perform a physical exam, and even ask you some questions from a “DBQ”. By the way, DBQ is short for “Disability Benefits Questionnaire”. These are readily available on the web, and in my humble opinion, it is like having the questions to the test that you took in high school or college! You should know the DBQ for each service-connected disability you are filing for backward, forwards, and inside out. Remember, the sole purpose of this exam is to “examine” you and your evidence!

The doctor will NOT be making any decisions on the claim you have filed. So save all the questions about the actual claims process. They don’t know, nor do they care. If you have questions and concerns about how this exam will go down, pointers on how to prepare, and what to expect after the exam, try this. Head over to Combat Craig’s BOOT CAMP! It’s right here on CombatCraig.com and there’s plenty of information in BOOT CAMP to help you get prepared. So sign up for a membership now.

What happens after your exam.

After the compensation and pension examiner completes the notes and findings, they will submit documentation to the VA. Your complete case will be assigned to a “rating official”, who will review all of the evidence in your file. Once all of the documents have been reviewed, the rating official will assign you a disability rating and send you a decision letter. This letter will define (in great detail) the “how’s and why’s” on their decision. Each claim is unique in its own way but plan on it taking at least 3 to 4 months time. Usually the complexity of your case and how many conditions you have filed for dictates the actual time from start to finish.

Again, this information is just the basics of what a C&P exam will look like. Combat Craig has several tools to add to your arsenal before you go to your exam, but YOU HAVE TO PREPARE!!!! Get educated, invest in your future, and go win your claim! I have personally taken the advice from Combat Craig and his education has taken me from 10% to 100% in less than 12 months! His education is second to none, and if followed correctly, this education will provide results! Until next time Veterans!

Veteran, U.S.M.C. Rated at 100% (schedular).

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